Vaux Com Software
P/No.: vauxcom QTY: Add to Cart VAUX-COM Diagnostic Tester Vaux-COM is a Windows based piece of software that turns your PC into a sophisticated diagnostic tool, capable of diagnosing GM / Opel vehicles from 1994 to 2014, including Vectra C, Astra H and Insignia. VAUX-COM PC based diagnostic tool covers almost all Vauxhall and Opel cars and light vans and allows you to diagnose almost all modules including the engine management, airbag, ABS, immobiliser, instruments and many more.

VAUX-COM Diagnostic Tester. Vaux-COM is a Windows based piece of software that turns your PC into a sophisticated diagnostic tool, capable of diagnosing GM / Opel. May 11, 2017 New Opel Opcom V2010/V2014 can OBD2 can work with opcom vaux-com 120309a software. Opcom Op-com Firmware 1.7 Opcom vaux-com 120309a download. How to install Opcom V1.95 VAUX-COM Software Driver on Windows 7? Step 1 Install Driver. Open opcom software CD. Group Activities For Reality Therapy Worksheets. Copy Opcom drivers folder to desktop.
VAUX-COM can diagnose almost all Vauxhall / Opel systems including: • Automatic Transmission, including Easytonic, CVT and Tecshift types • ABS, Antilock Braking System, TC and ESP systems, including Steering angle sensor calibration • Tyre pressure Monitoring • Electrohydraulic and full electronic power steering • Immobiliser, including all key programming • Instrument cluster, including read write eeprom on many models • Seat memory and heating • Airbag and other crash systems • Electronic sunroof • Climate control.