Mrcpch Mastercourse Full

Purchase MRCPCH MasterCourse - 1st Edition. Mrcpch mastercourse Download mrcpch mastercourse or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get mrcpch. Mrcpch mastercourse Download mrcpch mastercourse or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get mrcpch.
Quantity: • • • • This book is “innovative and original in assisting the reader to apply the principles of science to paediatric practice”. Professor Neena Modi, President, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
The Science of Paediatrics, MRCPCH Mastercourse, provides essential background preparation for the MRCPCH Theory and Science examination. It contains an up-to-date review of the application of science to everyday paediatric clinical practice, whether it is interpreting clinical signs or investigations, prescribing drugs or identifying best management. Although this understanding is essential in order to make informed clinical decisions, it is diffi cult to obtain as it is not usually covered in clinical textbooks. Key features • MRCPCH exam-format questions embedded in each chapter to test understanding • Emphasis on embryology to explain many congenital abnormalities • An overview of the relevant anatomy and physiology • Focus on the application and interpretation of investigations • Examples of recent advances in science and clinical research that have benefi tted the children’s care • All clinical specialties covered by paediatric specialists.

• Chapters covering evidence-based paediatrics, statistics, ethics and quality improvement. Product Details.
How to use this book Index of DVD clips List of abbreviations Module 6: Childhood disorders 1 28. Central nervous system 29. Neuro-developmental disability 30. Child mental health 31. The eye and vision 32.
Canon 2900 Printer Drivers For Windows Xp. Disorders of hearing, the ear and throat 33. Disorders of bones and joints 34. Inborn errors of metabolism 35. Endocrinology and diabetes 36.
Skin disorders in children 37. Child abuse and neglect 38. Maan Karate Karaoke. Child health in developing countries Module 7: Childhood disorders 2 39. Gastroenterology and hepatology 40. Software El Regreso Del Peregrino Cs Lewis Pdf on this page.
Urinary system 41. The cardiovascular system 42. Respiratory paediatrics 43. Blood and reticuloendothelial disorders 44. Immunology and infectious disease Module 8: The child in hospital 45.
Care of the critically ill child 46. Neonatology I: problems of the prenatal and perinatal period 47.
Neonatology II: respiratory and cardiac disorders 48. Neonatology III: neurology, haematology, metabolism and sepsis 49. Neonatology IV: disorders requiring surgical intervention 50. Accidents, poisoning and ALTEs 51. Oncology and palliative care. 2008 BMA Medical Book Competition Awards: First Prize Paediatrics Prepared in conjunction with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), MRCPCH MasterCourse has been constructed as a comprehensive package for trainees facing professional examinations in paediatrics and child health.
This volume (2) has been made available separately in case candidates sitting the Diploma in Child Health (DCH) exams and doctors with a primary-care interest in child health using Volume 1 wish to study futher and go on to purchase Volume 2. It comes with an accompanying DVD containing video clips of clinical scenarios, and PIN access to a website with self-assessment and further learning materials. Key Features. • A complete multi-media course for the new MRCPCH examination.
• The written component are produced as attractive, full-colour books written in a problem-orientated style, with full-colour line drawings and colour photographs. • Books contain references to video and audio clips on accompanying DVD that comes with the books. • The related website offers self-testing questions (in exam style) and answers, links to important paediatric websites (guidelines, etc.), selected content from relevant journals, such as Current Paediatrics, periodic clinical updates etc. • A supplementary purchase for all paediatric trainees in the UK and GPs taking the DCH examination using Volume 1 who wish to take their studies further.