Longman Contemporary Dictionary Patch
Patch meaning, definition, what is patch: a small area of something that is differ.: Learn more. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English DVD-ROM. (patch) that you can. I own Oxford learner's dictionary, and Longman turned out to be much more reader-friendly.

Added May 2012: for a better solution to problems with the LDOCE. Content Rules Ann Handley Pdf. It appears there is an which fixes many of the (thanks are due to my readers who told me about it).
Here are the main fixes: • Mousewheel scrolling works (still a little too slow for my liking). • Keyboard scrolling is fixed for the most part (there are still occasional problems with PgUp) • You can select any text and right-click it to copy it to the clipboard. • The PopUp mode window can now be resized. This is probably the most convenient way to use LDOCE, as it has very few distractions. I’ve noticed that in the PopUp mode, LDOCE tries to look up every piece of text you copy to the clipboard.
To turn this off, you have to right-click the QuickFind icon in the system tray (bottom right corner of the screen) and choose Exit. • You now get the dictionary window immediately after startup rather than having to click Dictionary. The only big problem that hasn’t been fixed is the startup time. It still takes about 10 seconds to open the dictionary. Installation Installation is not a one-click affair, so I would not recommend it to inexperienced PC users.

Perhaps you can ask your friendly neighborhood geek. Here are the steps: • Get the patch (RAR archive) from. • Extract the archive to some folder.
If you have 7-zip, you can right-click the archive file, then choose 7-Zip, Extract here. You can download for free. • Open the folder where you extracted the archive. Inside it, find the chrome folder. • Locate the LDOCE program folder. It’s usually at C: Program Files Longman LDOCE5.
You should see a chrome subfolder in it. • Copy the chrome folder from the patch folder to the LDOCE program folder, so that it overwrites the original chrome folder. • Windows will ask you a number of questions. You want to replace files in the original chrome folder.
You may have to provide administrator credentials to do this. Otherwise You can use the, which is probably easier for inexperienced users. Dude, this “Unofficial LDOCE patch” is to be found nowhere BUT I finally found the “Official” patch for fixing all the “Scrolling” issues within any Longman Dictionary!!
I’ve tested this PATCH on several “Longman Apps” and now the Scrolling is much much better!:)) This is solely targeted at fixing the “Scrolling” issues and nothing more. Just replace the new “plugs.jar” file with its old stupid version inside this folder: “C: Program Files Longman LDOCE5 chrome” and say hello to true scrolling with your mouse and keyboard! PS: If any one’s got the thread title “Unofficial LDOCE patch”, please upload it to 4shared.com or something as permanent, and not sina.com.cn! PPS: I totally appreciate what you guys have accomplished with “Taku’s LDOCE5 Viewer”; I just wanted something to fix Longman’s ridiculous “Scrolling” system. PPPS: Here you can check the info and the links for all LDOCE5 patches released so far (3 patches): 1. How do I stop the mouse wheel scrolling too fast in the dictionary?