Rho Gtpase Activation Assays
Download Salter Mibody Scales Software on this page. The Rho GTPase family of signaling proteins controls a wide range of highly dynamic cellular processes. Activation of Rho GTPases can be investigated and quantified. This protocol describes procedures to assay for GTP-bound (active) form of small GTPases of the Rho superfamily in human brain cancer (glioma) cell lines but can also. Small GTPase Activation Assays. A select example of products from MilliporeSigma’s offering for the Rho family of GTPases: Target Antibody. Aug 21, 2010 RhoC GTPase activation assay. We have adapted a Rho activation assay to detect RhoC GTPase. This technique utilizes a GST-Rho binding domain fusion.

Many publications cite the use of Cytoskeleton's G-LISA kits in the Materials and Methods section. Usually the citation is associated with a particular result in the form of a graph or image that helps the authors present their findings.
This indicates the utility of the Kits to produce publication quality data in a short timeframe thus helping improve the productivity of your efforts. Example citations for G-LISA assay kits are shown below. More citations are available on individual product pages. G-LISA RhoA Activation Assay Biochem Kit (luminescence format) (Cat.
# BK121) Nobe et al., 2012. Two distinct dysfunctions in diabetic mouse mesenteric artery contraction are caused by changes in the Rho A–Rho kinase signaling pathway. V 683, pp 217-225. Wang et al., 2012.
RhoA/ROCK-dependent moesin phosphorylation regulates AGE-induced endothelial cellular response. Cardiovascular Diabetology. Zuo et al., 2012.
Cdc42 negatively regulates intrinsic migration of highly aggressive breast cancer cells. V 227, pp 1399-1407. Alvarez et al.
Failure of Bay K 8644 to induce RhoA kinase-dependent calcium sensitization in rabbit blood vessels. British J of Pharmacology 160,1326-37. Heckman-Stoddard et al. Haploinsufficiency for p190B RhoGAP inhibits MMTV-Neu tumor progression. Breast Cancer Research 11,Hammar et al. Role of the Rho-ROCK (Rho-Associated Kinase) Signaling Pathway in the Regulation of Pancreatic β-Cell Function. Endocrinology 150,2072-2079.
Chastre et al. TRIP6, a novel molecular partner of the MAGI-1 scaffolding molecule, promotes invasiveness. FASEB Journal 23,916–928. Kinoshita et al., 2008. Mol Biol Cell. 19, 2289 Moniz et al.
WNK2 modulates MEK1 activity through the Rho GTPase pathway. Cellular Signalling 20,1762-68. Lesato et al. Tiotropium Bromide Attenuates Respiratory Syncytial Virus Replication in Epithelial Cells.
Respiration 76,434-441. Kinoshita et al. Apical Accumulation of Rho in the Neural Plate Is Important for Neural Plate Cell Shape Change and Neural Tube Formation. Molecular Biology of the Cell 19,2289-2299. Scott et al., 2007.
J Invest Dermatol. V 127, p 668. Schreibelt et al.
Reactive oxygen species alter brain endothelial tight junction dynamics via RhoA, PI3 kinase, and PKB signaling. FASEB Journal 21,3666-3676. Tanaka et al. Neural Expression of G Protein-coupled Receptors GPR3, GPR6, and GPR12 Up-regulates Cyclic AMP Levels and Promotes Neurite Outgrowth. J. Higashibata et al., 2006. 7, 19 Zuo et al., 2006. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
351, 361 Woods and Beier, 2006. 281, 13134 G-LISA RhoA Activation Assay Biochem Kit (colorimetric format) (Cat. # BK124) Howe and Addison, 2012. RhoB controls endothelial cell morphogenesis in part via negative regulation of RhoA. Vascular Cell. Yang and Kim, 2012. The RhoA-ROCK-PTEN pathway as a molecular switch for anchorage dependent cell behavior.