Newtonsoft Jobject Parse Array
Driver Canon Mp160 Windows 8.1. Var jObject= JObject.Parse(string). Then, select the the results array: JArray results = jObject['results']. How to traverse in json? LINQ to JSON has methods available for parsing JSON from a string or loading JSON directly from a. 8 9 JObject o = JObject.Parse. Parsing a JSON Array from text.
Thanks Pradeep for your quick response. AS you suggest me algorithm to solve these json problem. I created all classes as you suggested to me. But i am getting package list null. I tried to deserialize through Newtonsoft.json method. My code is below RootObject robj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response); By this method i am able to parse but not getting data into V class. Can you please suggest/elaborate me the code you write above meaning.

Just suggest me how can i get data into V class one by one. Var all_v=Parse(response); Please help me as i am new guys in wp8 development. Thanks once again for your response.
@MB - it might be possible to use JSON.NET's dynamic parsing with COM Interop from VFP, but I think it'd be fairly slow to read the data out as you would get back a COM object. Worth a try - hey that's a good example for my.NET COM Interop session @ SWFOX this year:-) JSON parsing in WWWC is sub-optimal. I only added array support recently (not released) so arrays would always fail - that works now but the parser can't deal with formatted JSON (ie. Multi-line breaks etc.).
Lack of effective tools in FoxPro to parse make this tough and perf is a problem as well since VFP has no efficient way to parse character by character. [TestMethod] public void JObjectOutputTest() { // strong type instance var jsonObject = new JObject(); // you can explicitly add values here jsonObject.Add('Entered', DateTime.Now); // dynamic expando instance you can add properties to dynamic album = jsonObject; album.AlbumName = 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap'; album.Artist = 'AC/DC'; album.YearReleased = 1976; (Also have problems using JSON.Net with HttpClient: System.MissingMethodException Method not found: 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.GetValue(System.String)'. If you happen to know or can refer me. I am writing a C# wrapper for a RESTful JSON API, and using Json.NET to de-serialize the incoming json to strongly typed object. But a few properties in the incoming json are highly dynamic, it will be some json object with different number and type of properties. My current solution is, I mapped the dynamic json property to JObject in my C# class.