Microsoft .net Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 And X64)


Microsoft .net Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 And X64) Average ratng: 3,8/5 5724reviews
Interior Design Client Profile

For the latest documentation on Visual Studio 2017, see. For the latest documentation on Visual Studio 2017, see on This dialog box specifies which prerequisite components are installed, how they are installed, and which order the packages are installed. To access this dialog box, select a project node in Solution Explorer, and then, on the Project menu, click Properties. When the Project Designer appears, click the Publish tab. On the Publish page, click Prerequisites. For Setup projects, on the Project menu, click Properties.

When the Property Pages dialog box appears, click Prerequisites. Element Description Create setup program to install prerequisite components Includes the prerequisite components in your application's Setup program (Setup.exe) so that they will be installed before your application, in order of dependency. By default, this option is selected. Umineko Ps3 Sprites Patch. If it is not selected, no Setup.exe is created.

Choose which prerequisites to install Specifies whether to install components such as.NET Framework, Crystal Reports, and so on. For example, by selecting the check box next to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2, you specify that the Setup program verify whether this component is installed on the target computer and install it if it is not already installed. For detailed information about each prerequisite package, see the Prerequisites Information table later in this topic.

Check Microsoft Update for more redistributable components Clicking this link takes you to the website to check for updates. Download prerequisites from the component vendor's web site Specifies that the prerequisite components be installed from the vendor's Web site. This is the default option. Download prerequisites from the same location as my application Specifies that the prerequisite components be installed from the same location as the application. This copies all the prerequisite packages to the publish location. For this option to work, the prerequisite packages must be on the development computer. Download prerequisites from the following location Specifies that the prerequisite components be installed from the location that you select.

You can use the Browse button to select a location. The prerequisite components that appear in the Prerequisites dialog box might differ from those in the following list. Birthday Pizza Party Games Software. The prerequisite packages listed in the Prerequisites Dialog Box are set automatically the first time that you open the dialog box. If you subsequently change the project's target framework, you will have to select the prerequisites manually to match the new target framework.

Aug 09, 2011.NET Framework 4 installFailed with code..NET Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 and x64. Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Client Profile. Jul 28, 2014 Free Download Microsoft.NET Framework 4 Client Profile 4.0.30319.1 Final - A redistributable package which installs the.NET Framework runtime and. Apr 12, 2016 The Microsoft.NET Framework Repair Tool detects frequently occurring issues that affect the Microsoft.NET. The.NET Framework 4 Client Profile: x86, x64.

Element Description.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 This package installs the following: -.NET Framework versions 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5. - Support for all.NET Framework versions on 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) operating systems. - Language packs for each.NET Framework version that is installed with the package. - Service packs for.NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0..NET Framework 3.0 is included with Windows Vista, and.NET Framework 3.5 is included with Visual Studio..NET Framework 3.5 is required for all Visual Basic and Visual C# projects that are compiled for 32-bit operating systems and for which the target framework is set to.NET Framework 3.5, and for Visual Basic and Visual C# projects compiled for 64-bit operating systems. (IA64 is not supported.) Note that Visual Basic and Visual C# projects are compiled for any CPU architecture by default. For more information, see,, and.

By default, this item is selected..NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Client Profile The.NET Framework Client Profile is a subset of the full.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 that targets client applications. It provides a streamlined subset of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), and ClickOnce features.

This entry was posted on 3/2/2018.