Michel Thomas Dutch Foundation Course

Review This is a truly interesting audio-only course on the foreign language learning market today. You will learn your chosen language through a series of CDs, without games, videos or interactive experiences via a computer, and become part of a virtual class of three students. Your fellow students speak through the program along with the tutor, giving you a potentially fuller sense of genuine immersion than those programs which are essentially glorified point-and-click flashcard games. Content The program consists of audio CDs – ten in a usual bundle – and a full transcript booklet. And that’s basically it. Ordinarily, this would be a cause to complain, but the content here is just fantastic on its own.
Amazon.com: Total Dutch Foundation Course: Learn Dutch with the Michel Thomas Method (733): Els Van Geyte, Cobie Adkins-De Jong: Books. ← TOP 10 Language Learning Software Michel Thomas Review Course Overview Audio-only program with a full transcription Foundation course (8 hours). In these CD's the Dutch language is listened to and learned in enjoyable steps. No rote learning or writing! There are 8 CDs plus booklet with Dutch phrases in.
It might be nice to have some sort of fun games DVD to go with this package, but really, this is only a small personal issue, and only because I am so used to having language learning be more of a flashy interactive experience these days than something you really have to focus your mind on. The audio CDs are of an excellent quality, and for most packages, you’ll find that they come in a handy little black case. Pdf Bengali Story Books.
Not that you’ll be wanting to use these outside much, as they do require a bit more feedback than usual from the actual student, but the neatness of it is pretty appealing. The transcript booklet is the full course, which makes it incredibly easy to follow exactly what everyone is saying, not just the tutor. Still, there are no pen and paper exercises to complete, which might be exactly what you are looking for in a course, or it might be a little too alien from however you’ve previously learned in the past. The course seems to be a relatively short one, clocking in at around eight hours for the foundation course and two hours for the advanced course, but you really can’t let that fool you. You will probably need to go through each lesson at least twice, or at least make extensive use of the pause button. This is the beauty of this program; it can be as slow or fast as you like, and there is certainly a strong sense of each of the lessons connecting in some way, usually through the grammar, with a lesson in the future. This basically means that you might start off slowly, but you will certainly pick up the pace of lessons as you progress through the course.