Metal Slug 6 Mame's game information and ROM download page for Metal Slug 6 (MAME). Jul 16, 2013 Metal Slug 6 Arcade Level-8 No Death One Coin Play / 메탈슬러그6 레벨8 오락실판 원코인 - Duration: 29:23. Topeng 32,386 views. Description of Metal Slug 6 - MAME. A story of a Metal Slug 6 player: I was fourteen. I lived in a small rural town and I dreamed of having my own Playstation 2. Metal Slug 6 ROM Download for MAME (MAME) console. Play Metal Slug 6 (USA) ROM on an emulator or online for free. Works on PC/Windows, Mac, and mobile devices.
Downloaded: 2503 NOTICE Half-life 2 [digitalzone]. !!! All games on this web site I am testing by myself and all are fully functional, but provided only if you use our emulator and our game!!! Emulator and games are specially designed to work properly. Not like the other web sites that offer thousands dysfunctional games, which I personally just as surely as you hate. YOU ALWAYS MUST!!! 1 step: Download the game and add game to the folder 'roms', 2 step: In runnig emulator mame32 to press 'F5' for refresh games list!!!
3 step: Use only our specially designed emulator MAME with our games. I will be very happy if the Games will post comments. A't it will be a commentary on the game or our website. Ezmix 2 Mastering. I wish you much fun. Description of Metal Slug 6 - MAME A story of a Metal Slug 6 player: I was fourteen.
I lived in a small rural town and I dreamed of having my own Playstation 2. But my parents had told me it was a dumb and useless thing to have, and should I want to own such a dumb and useless thing anyway, I ought to work for it myself. And so I took a job as a delivery boy, and worked my back (and legs) for whole six months, only to raise me some money for my own fricking Playstation. And let me, it wasn’t always all fun and games, you know? Smiths, our neighbours, they had this big son-of-a eh.