Guest Worker Program Obama
Small Bald Patch In Hair. WASHINGTON — The nation’s top business and labor groups have reached an agreement on a guest worker program for low-skilled immigrants, a person with knowledge of the negotiations said on Saturday. The deal clears the path for broad legislation to be introduced when Congress returns from its two-week recess in mid-April. Senator, Democrat of New York, convened a conference call on Friday night with Thomas J. Donohue, the president of the, and, the president of the, the nation’s main federation of labor unions, in which they agreed in principle on a guest worker program for low-skilled, year-round temporary workers.
Schumer is one of eight senators from both parties who have been negotiating an overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws. Pay for guest workers was the last major sticking point on a broad immigration package, and one that had stalled the eight senators just before the break. The eight senators still need to sign off on the agreement between the business and labor groups, the person with knowledge of the talks said. “This issue has always been the deal breaker on immigration reform, but not this time,” Mr. Schumer said. A similar bipartisan group in the House has been meeting on and off for nearly four years, and hopes to unveil its own immigration legislation shortly. The agreement resolved what the pay level should be for low-skilled immigrants — often employed at hotels and restaurants or on construction projects — who could be brought in during labor shortages.

A guest-worker program allows a foreign worker to enter the. But their resistance waned when faced with President Barack Obama’s strong desire to get a. Jul 06, 2010 As a senator, Barack Obama supported 'an amendment that basically gutted the legal temporary worker program.' By opposing guest-worker. The Obama administration has relied upon a coalition of corporate. (though he has said he supports a guest-worker program). The Obama administration is trying to broker a deal between business and labor leaders over a controversial guest-worker program for foreigners, resolving a long.