As400 Print File Font
Please provide more information what you are doing and the printer you want to use. Aren't you using HPT on the iSeries for printing on your laser printer? If YES, what is the printer device description? To use different fonts you need to specify individual font entries in the customized WSCST.
The Walking Dead Season 1 Movie. Dec 06, 2013 I am trying to get a few lines in my printer file to print a line in Helvetica 85-Pt and also 90-Pt or something similar. I don't have PSF/400 so I can not. I would like to know what is needed to print with different fonts and various point sizes on the AS400. We want to improve our statements which are printed to.
Film Transporter 1 Ganool Ph. Also, the printer file has to be *AFPDS. And please avoid automatic COR by defining the correct paper size. No matter which font you use in de DDS, the paper size is determined by the LPI * LINES (length) and CPI * CHARACTERS (width) of the PRTF. Assuming you use *ROWCOL for the measurement method.